5 amusing games for learning numbers 1-10

Your child can easily learn to count on nature walks when you encourage him to count sticks or stones. But if you prefer to teach him indoors and are ready to make the effort, try out some engaging ways of learning numbers 1-10. If your child isn't able to count to 5, read this article (the link will appear later).
1. Counting songs.
You can find lots of nice counting songs at Supersimple songs. Since my son is interested in bugs, I made some felt ladybugs for counting. At first, we found out how many ladybugs we had and later counted the number of their dots.
So we sing a counting song:
One little, two little, three little ladybirds,
Four little, five little, six little ladybirds,
Seven little, eight little, nine little ladybirds,
Ten little ladybirds are flying here.
2. Game 'Catching bugs'.
I got the inspiration for this activity from Pre-kpages. Put small rubber insects in the container. Roll the dice and identify the number. Using the tweezers pick up the corresponding number of bugs from the container. At the end of the game, count how many bugs you have and compare with other participants.
3. Game 'Put out the fire'.
Cut out and paste some buildings or draw them on a piece of paper. Write the numbers the houses 1-10 and add "fires" to each of them. Call out the number of the house where the firefighters are needed: "Attention, fire brigade! There's a fire in house number 9. Please, come as soon as possible." The child should cover the house with the fire truck sticker.
4. Hide-and-seek with ladybugs.
Make the "ladybirds": stick some red felt circles on the red clothespins. First, the adult attaches them to rather noticeable places in the room: on the curtains, rugs, shelves, tablecloths, etc. Then the child starts looking for "ladybirds". And when he finds one, he says the number and put it back in the box. Or count the "ladybugs" when they are all detected.
Tony has been playing this wonderful game since he was 18 months and now he is 3,5 years old but he still hasn't lost interest in it. The older he gets, the less obvious is the location of the clothespins.
5. Catch the fish.
This game is for bathroom time. Draw numbers 1-10 on toy plastic fish with a marker. Call out the number and the child needs to catch the corresponding fish.
During or after fishing we sing a song:
One, two, three, four, five
Once I caught a fish alive
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Then I let it go again
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on my right
I hope you and your child will enjoy the games. Learn with pleasure!