Rainbow rice activities

Rainbow rice is a superb sensory activity that improves your child's fine motor skills, and hand-eye coordination, enriches senses, and promotes creativity. This material offers a variety of activities in different contexts.
The easiest recipe to dye rice is to put it into a ziplock packet, add a pinch of found colouring and pour 1 teaspoon of vinegar to fix the colour. Mix everything well and put on a parchment paper to dry for 6-8 hours.
You will need a big container and some tools for manipulating with coloured rice. I will share our favourite acitivities.
1. Filling station.
Filling different containers and pouring rice through funnels is so much fun.
In the beginning, our sensory bin looked like in the photo above. Then it got mixed.
2. Looking for hidden treasure/bugs.
Hide some objects in rice and a child should find and name them. Later, count the things that you've found.
3. Building site.
A toy excavator is loading a dump truck with "rubble". For preschoolers, add more tasks.
4. Growing vegetables.
You will need small plastic vegetables. The ones you see in the photo I made from modelling clay. Don't forget about tools: spades, rakes and a watering can (without water). It's time to grow vegetables, water them and gather a harvest.
5. Feeding games.
You will need plastic eggs for making chicks or other animals you like. A child feeds animals with a little spoon.
Here is a list of useful expressions that you might need for rainbow rice activities.
rainbow rice
tools ( a funnel, a spade, a scoop)
to grab a handful of rice
to fill a container with rice
to spread rice out
to pour rice through a pipe/a funnel
to scoop rice into a plastic cup
to sift
to load rice onto a dump truck
to dump rice out into a container
to rake
to hide/bury coins in rice
Have fun with rainbow rice!